Welcome To Almont Vineyard Church ... Follow us on our app in the Apple and Google Play App Stores ... or on Facebook and YouTube


How it all started...the call from god

In 1993 I started a career at Ford Motor Company… Life, family and marriage couldn’t have been better! My wife (Margaret) and I were invited to a Christian Marriage Retreat in 1998 at a church we were long time members of. During the retreat the Holy Spirit spoke to me (that still small voice) during a testimonial time. The whisper said, “I want you to do this stuff.”
That afternoon we were asked to write letters to our spouses sharing details that were outlined for us. In my letter, I shared with my wife the calling I had received. When my wife read the letter, she started to cry… I thought, are those tears of disgust or sadness? To my surprise my wife said to me, “The Lord revealed this to me already, I was just waiting for you!” I was blown away and we both shared tears of joy.

the call...now what?

In 1999 I enrolled in college at William Tyndale College and later transferred to Rochester University to pursue my Biblical Studies Degree.  Now, I was working full time and taking night classes.  In the process of going to college I was introduced to an Association of Christian Churches name The Vineyard.  We connected with Pastor Jim Pool at Renaissance Vineyard Church in Royal Oak; where I began an internship with the goal of planting a Vineyard Church in Almont, MI.

2005 to present...

In 2005 I finished my Biblical Studies Degree, and wouldn’t you know it the Ford Motor Company fell on hard times and was offering current employees a separation package. My wife & I prayed about it and I left Ford’s in 2005 and we pressed forward in planting the Almont Vineyard Church. We started the church in our home in the Fall of '05 until we outgrew our space and moved to the Orchard Primary School where we rented space from  2006-2009. We again needed more space and in 2009 the Lord provided for us to move onto Van Dyke and we purchased our current 16,000 square foot building.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30 am or watch us on Facebook Live.